Friday, April 11, 2008


Too many negative things around me. I get one really great positive thing to happen to me and Shaytan tries to attack with 10 times the amount of negativity. Sucks............

I have such hope for the future and what Allah has in store for me. Insha'Allah, everything will all work out and happiness will follow. I know what I want and I'm praying hard for it!!!


Anonymous said...

Salaam Alaykom,

I am pasting a response from an Islamic Scholar on the whisperings of the Shaytan.
But I want to add that because you are a new muslim, the final paragraph, leaving the haraam is a gradual process that took the companions many many years. I am emphasizing this because the Shaytan will attempt to force you to follow the fiqh to an extreme until you despair of Allah's mercy. May Allah (SWT) Protect you.

The scholars explain that what you are experiencing are whisperings from Shaytan. Shaytan is a thief, and thieves only attack houses with wealth. Similarly, Shaytan only attacks hearts with faith. Thank Allah for this faith�this is step one.

Step two is to seek refuge in Allah from Shaytan, by saying A`udhu bi Llahi min ash-Shaytan ir-Rajeem (�I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytan�).

Step three is to make a little remembrance of Allah (e.g. saying �Alhamdulillah� or �La ilaha illa Allah�) and to be thankful to Allah and joyous for the blessing and gift of faith and practice. The remembrance of Allah is light, and it dispels the darkness of Shaytan and his whisperings, and brings peace to the heart.

With this, the best spiritual medicine and most beloved of actions to Allah is leaving the haram and migrating from its dark lands to the vast plains of piety.

And Allah alone gives success.


Faraz Rabbani

Anonymous said...

Also, some very powerful verses to recite are ayat al-kursi, surah al-falaq, sura al-nas, and surah al-ikhlas. You can read about their significance in protecting you from evil at
This website also teaches you how to say them and you can even just follow along with them until you learn them. I found that just trying to learn them brought me peace and refuge. There are also others on this website that you might like.
You are in my dua.